7. GRE Lesson
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Class Lessons
GRE Test overview
GRE Math
Introduction to solving an equati
Algebra: Linear equations 4
Algebra: Slope 2
Algebra: Equation of a line
Integer sums
More percent problems
More advanced ratio problem--with
Alternate Solution to Ratio Probl
Introduction to Ratios
Age word problems 1
Age word problems 2
Solving a quadratic by factoring
Introduction to i and imaginary n
Calculating i raised to arbitrary
i as the principal root of -1 (a
Complex Numbers (part 1)
Introduction to logarithm propert
The golden ratio
30-60-90 triangle example problem
Measuring angles in degrees
Angle basics
Proof: Vertical angles are equal
Angles formed by parallel lines a
Triangle angle example 3
Challenging triangle angle proble
Proof: Corresponding angle equiva
Finding more angles
Sum of interior angles of a polyg
Congruent triangles and SSS
SSS to show a radius is perpendic
Introduction to vertical angles
Complementary and supplementary a
Proof - Sum of Measures of Angles
Triangle angle example 1
Triangle angle example 2
Finding congruent triangles
Congruent triangle proof example
Equilateral triangle sides and an
Equilateral and isosceles example
Another isosceles example problem
Example involving an isosceles tr
Figuring out all the angles for c
Perimeter and area: the basics
Triangle area proofs
Interesting perimeter and area pr
Koch snowflake fractal
Area of an equilateral triangle
Area of Koch snowflake (part 1) -
Area of Koch snowflake (part 2) -
Challenging perimeter problem
Similar triangle basics
Similarity postulates
Similar triangle example problems
Pythagorean theorem proof using s
45-45-90 triangle side ratios
Area of a regular hexagon
Area of a parallelogram
Proof: Opposite angles of paralle
Quadrilateral overview
Proof: Diagonals of a parallelogr
Review of triangle properties
Euler line
Median centroid right triangle ex
Proof: Triangle altitudes are con
30-60-90 triangle side ratios pro
Introduction to angles (old)
Angles (part 2)
The angle game
Ratio problem with basic algebra
Advanced ratio problems
Probability (part 1)
Stem-and-leaf plots
Finding mean, median, and mode
Box-and-Whisker Plots
Probability of More Complex Outco
Example: All the ways you can fli
Adding and simplifying radicals
Radical expressions with higher r
More Involved Radical Equation Ex
Midpoint formula
Visual Pythagorean Theorem Proof
Range, variance and standard devi
Asymptotes of rational functions
Statistics: Standard deviation
Probability (part 4)
Birthday probability problem
Intersection and union of sets
Universal set and absolute comple
Discrete and continuous random va
Expected Value: E(X)
Expected value of binomial distri
Expected Value and Variance of Di
Reading bar graphs
Reading pie graphs (circle graphs
Reading line graphs
Misleading line graphs
GRE Classes
GRE Verbal
GRE Quantitative
GRE Verbal
GRE Quantitative
GRE Verbal
GRE Quantitative
GRE Verbal
GRE Quantitative
GRE Verbal
GRE Quantitative
GRE Verbal
GRE Quantitative
GRE Verbal
GRE Quantitative
GRE Verbal
GRE Quantitative
GRE Verbal
GRE Quantitative
GRE Verbal
GRE Quantitative
GRE Verbal
GRE Quantitative
GRE Verbal
GRE Quantitative
GRE Basics
1. GRE Lesson - About the GRE
How to use the GRE onscreen calc
Math Question Formats
Handling Stress on Test Day
General GRE Math Strategies
Multiplying by Doubling and Halv
Shortcut for Dividing by 5
GRE Data Interpretation
1. Introduction to Data Interpret
2. Data Interpretation Strategies
Maltanian Army - question I
Car Prices - question I
Car Prices - question II
GRE Counting
Listing and Counting
Distributing Coins
Fundamental Counting Principle
Fundamental Counting Principle E
Calculating Combinations
Counting Strategies - Part II
GRE Statistics
1. GRE Lesson
2. GRE Practice Question - Adding
3. GRE Practice Question - Two Un
6. GRE Lesson
7. GRE Lesson